8 Tips to Help You Grow Your Business on LinkedIn in 2024 and Beyond


Key Takeaways:

  1. Complete and optimize your LinkedIn Page to increase visibility and engagement.
  2. Utilize LinkedIn Marketing Partners for better strategy planning, execution, and measurement.
  3. Leverage thought leadership content to build trust and demonstrate value.
  4. Use creative and engaging ads to stand out in B2B marketing.
  5. Employ LinkedIn’s measurement tools to track, adjust, and improve campaign results.

Tips to Help You Grow Your Business on LinkedIn in 2024 and Beyond

With over 950 million members in more than 200 countries, LinkedIn is seen as a trusted and credible platform for business professionals to network and find solutions to their daily challenges. Do you know that nearly three professionals join LinkedIn every second?

As B2B marketing continues to evolve, meeting audiences where they are is crucial, sparking meaningful connections and building strong relationships. It’s not about whether you should be on LinkedIn—96% of B2B marketers use it to distribute content—but how you can stand out and gain an edge.

These eight tips will help your brand use key tools and techniques.

Maximize LinkedIn Marketing Success With These 8 Tips

As a business in this crowded online space, how can you build communities, increase your brand awareness, and grow in 2024 and beyond? Here are some tips to help brands and marketers grow in the new era.

1. Help your LinkedIn Page work harder

Your target audience is on LinkedIn, just like 61+ million other companies. Here’s how to make your LinkedIn Page stand out and drive growth:

  • Complete your Page: Pages with complete information get 30% more weekly views. Add your logo, an overview with key terms, and a call-to-action button.
  • Include multimedia in posts: Images, videos, and document posts get more engagement. For example, videos see 5X more engagement than plain text.
  • Boost your Page: Amplify popular content to reach more people. Boosting can connect you with potential followers who are not yet connected to you.
  • Invite people to follow: Use the “Invite connections” tool to prompt your first-degree connections to follow your Page.
  • Spark the conversation: Companies that post weekly see double the engagement. Share posts where your business is mentioned, use relevant hashtags, and re-share content.
  • Activate your employees: Use the “My Company” tab to add pictures and videos and give employees a voice to expand your brand’s reach authentically.
  • Go live: LinkedIn Events allow real-time engagement, with events getting 7X more reactions and 24X more comments than native videos.

2. Enhance your efforts with LinkedIn Marketing Partners

Support, consultation, and integration can greatly benefit your LinkedIn marketing. Here’s how LinkedIn Marketing Partners can help:

  • Strategy planning: Create better content, use data to build ad audiences, and leverage insights to target your efforts.
  • Execution: Grow your organic following, manage campaigns, and automatically route leads for conversion.
  • Measuring your marketing impact: Track leads through the entire funnel, ensuring you’re on the right track with ROI and reporting.

3. Activate thought leadership on LinkedIn

Thought leadership content is no longer just a filler for social media; it has become a crucial part of content marketing.

It helps establish a consistent voice, vision, and, most importantly, trust with your audience.

Our 2022 report with Edelman revealed that 61% of respondents thought leadership was more effective than pricing or marketing messages in demonstrating a company’s potential value.

LinkedIn offers professionals a platform to reach a broader audience looking for leadership insights and narratives to meet organizational goals.

What tangible outcomes can be achieved? Setting goals and expectations for thought leadership—and measuring them through audience growth, content views, and profile views—can lead to concrete business results such as:

  • Brand and Reputation
  • Market Consideration
  • Demand Generation
  • Talent Attraction
  • Employee Engagement

For a detailed guide on developing thought leadership on LinkedIn that engages top decision-makers, check out Edelman’s Flywheel of Thought Leadership.

4. Evolve customer engagement strategies

B2B customers today need more than just a sales pitch; they need to feel understood. By taking a buyer-first approach, you can better understand their journey and how your products or services can solve their challenges.

In a recent post, we discussed ways to enhance your LinkedIn Ads with new tools and tips, such as:

  • Automated A/B testing to determine what engages your audience the most
  • Using the Insights Tag to track website visitors beyond LinkedIn
  • Employing LinkedIn Ads’ conversion tracking to analyze customer responses

Another effective strategy is to listen directly to your customers. Host a LinkedIn event or roundtable discussion focusing on them, not just your brand. This setting allows you to gather valuable insights from the source in a safe and real-time environment.

5. Get a hand with campaign planning

LinkedIn Campaign Manager offers many tools, features, and options to help you achieve your marketing goals. We’ve developed an easy-to-use campaign planning template to help you determine the best tools for different situations and align with your objectives. This template assists in creating and launching campaigns that support a full-funnel marketing strategy.

You can input your own variables into the template and follow the guide for best practices and tips. This helps tailor your LinkedIn campaign based on the ad type you plan to use, whether single-image image ads, carousel ads, video ads, message ads, text ads, or lead generation forms.

6. Invest in Creativity to Differentiate

B2B marketing is often stuck in a loop of corporate-speak and sales-pitch content. Creativity is essential to capturing buyers’ limited attention. Our guide, “How Standout Creative Boosts Performance,” shows that brands with creative ads significantly increase engagement, conversions, and revenue.

You don’t need to overspend to embrace this creative renaissance. Many B2B marketers are adopting strategies from B2C marketing, connecting with buyers on an emotional level where most decisions are made. Research indicates that 95% of potential buyers are not in the market at any time. Creative, memorable ads can keep your brand top-of-mind for the future.

Rethinking creativity doesn’t mean discarding previous content. Valuable messages can be revitalized by transforming them into videos or infographics that attract attention. Develop an always-on content strategy with evergreen content, employee advocacy thought leadership, and posts highlighting your brand’s purpose and values.

7. Use LinkedIn measurements to track and improve results

Data is crucial, but only 37% of marketers feel confident in their ROI metrics. Understanding the effectiveness of your campaign—or identifying areas where it’s lacking—will guide your next steps. Marketers utilizing reporting and analytics can quickly adapt and stay ahead of the competition.

Key steps include:

  • Set Up LinkedIn Insight Tag: Use this to leverage conversion tracking, which helps you see how your ads drive valuable actions on and off the platform.
  • Analyze Data: Regularly review your campaign performance to understand what’s working and what’s not.
  • Adjust Strategies: Based on insights, tweak your campaigns to improve outcomes and achieve better ROI.

For more measurement advice, check out our guide on the 10 Most Valuable B2B KPIs and some innovative ways to measure the impact of brand marketing.

8. Align LinkedIn Ads with your objectives

The LinkedIn platform has grown exponentially, creating an ideal environment for increasing awareness, building communities, and driving action. Today, 80% of B2B marketers invest in paid content on LinkedIn.

The benefits extend beyond mere numbers. B2B marketers integrating LinkedIn advertising into a cohesive marketing strategy gain more than clicks. They leverage LinkedIn’s objective-based advertising to drive a full-funnel strategy, focusing on:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion

After their ads are seen on LinkedIn, brands are perceived to be:

  • 50% “higher quality”
  • 92% “more professional”
  • 74% “more intelligent”
  • 59% “more respectable”

Advertising on LinkedIn helps achieve a wide range of business objectives and boosts overall brand perception.

Gear Up for Growth This Year and Beyond

The journey for B2B marketers is just starting. The great news is that as our marketplaces evolve, LinkedIn is also evolving to offer more growth opportunities and sustained success than ever before.

FAQs about Growing Your Business on LinkedIn

How can I grow my business on LinkedIn in 2024?

Growing your business on LinkedIn involves optimizing your company page, sharing engaging content regularly, utilizing LinkedIn Ads, and actively networking with industry professionals. Use LinkedIn’s tools and features to boost visibility and connect with your target audience.

What are the benefits of using LinkedIn for B2B marketing?

LinkedIn is highly effective for B2B marketing due to its professional user base, advanced targeting options, and networking opportunities. It allows businesses to reach decision-makers, share valuable content, and generate quality leads.

How can I optimize my LinkedIn company page?

To optimize your LinkedIn company page, complete all profile sections, add a professional logo and cover image, and include relevant keywords in your description. Regularly update your page with multimedia content and encourage employee engagement.

What types of content perform best on LinkedIn?

Content that performs well on LinkedIn includes informative articles, industry news, videos, infographics, and thought leadership pieces. Posts encouraging interaction, such as polls and questions, generate higher engagement.

How can I use LinkedIn Ads effectively?

To use LinkedIn Ads effectively, define your campaign objectives, target the right audience, and create compelling ad copy with strong visuals. Monitor your ad performance and adjust your strategy based on analytics and insights.

How do I measure the success of my LinkedIn marketing efforts?

Measure the success of your LinkedIn marketing efforts by tracking metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and lead generation. Use LinkedIn Analytics to gain insights and refine your strategy.

What is the best way to engage with my LinkedIn audience?

Engage with your LinkedIn audience by posting regularly, responding to comments, participating in relevant groups, and sharing valuable content. Building relationships through meaningful interactions can help grow your network and enhance your brand’s presence.

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